If you’re just hearing about Harmless Cigarette™ for the first time, it’s a pure & natural therapeutic quit-smoking aid which replicates similar features of a cigarette. It can be used to simulate smoking and help satisfy smoking behaviors such as oral fixation and hand-to-mouth gestures associated with smoking. Harmless Cigarette is also inherently a better, safer, and healthier alternative to smoking and vaping. It’s refreshing, relaxing, relieving and popular for soothing and coping with the symptoms of quitting smoking.
Harmless Cigarette™ provides you with a satisfying solution which you can use to hold and puff on at all times to help reduce cravings; overcome the urge to smoke, and make quitting easier. You can enjoy using Harmless Cigarette whenever, wherever to satisfy your cravings without the harmful effects of smoking or vaping! Harmless Cigarette is a proven method that helps thousands of people successfully quit smoking each year!